Cloudstack Overview


What is Apache CloudStack?

Apache CloudStack is an open source Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform that manages and orchestrates pools of storage, network, and computer resources to build a public or private IaaS compute cloud.
With CloudStack you can:
  • Set up an on-demand elastic cloud computing service.
  • Allow end-users to provision resources

Cloud Infrastructure Overview

Resources within the cloud are managed as follows:
  • Regions: A collection of one or more geographically proximate zones managed by one or more management servers.
  • Zones: Typically, a zone is equivalent to a single datacenter. A zone consists of one or more pods and secondary storage.
  • Pods: A pod is usually a rack, or row of racks that includes a layer-2 switch and one or more clusters.
  • Clusters: A cluster consists of one or more homogenous hosts and primary storage.
  • Host: A single compute node within a cluster; often a hypervisor.
  • Primary Storage: A storage resource typically provided to a single cluster for the actual running of instance disk images. (Zone-wide primary storage is an option, though not typically used.)
  • Secondary Storage: A zone-wide resource which stores disk templates, ISO images, and snapshots.

About Primary Storage

Primary storage is associated with a cluster or (in KVM and VMware) a zone, and it stores the disk volumes for all the VMs running on hosts.
You can add multiple primary storage servers to a cluster or zone.

About Secondary Storage

Secondary storage stores the following:
  • Templates — OS images that can be used to boot VMs and can include additional configuration information, such as installed applications
  • ISO images — disc images containing data or bootable media for operating systems
  • Disk volume snapshots — saved copies of VM data which can be used for data recovery or to create new templates
The items in secondary storage are available to all hosts in the scope of the secondary storage, which may be defined as per zone or per region.

Networking:-[Ip address allocation]

 When basic networking is used, CloudStack will assign IP addresses based in the CIDR of the pod to the guests in that pod. The administrator must add a Direct IP range on the pod for this purpose. These IPs are in the same VLAN as the hosts.



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