
Showing posts from January, 2015

Working procedure of VZ containers

EZ templates are part and parcel of the Parallels Virtuozzo Containers philosophy because theyprovide a way of sharing resources among lots of Containers, thus enabling huge savings in terms of disk space and memory. For example, when you install and cache an OS template on the Hardware Node, Parallels Virtuozzo Containers creates the /vz/template/<name_of_the_OS> directory containing all the OS files that can be shared among Containers. When a Container based on this template is created, it contains only symlinks to the OS template files. These symlinks occupy very little space on the hard disk. They are situated in the so-called private area of the Container. The corresponding directory is /vz/private/<CT_ID>. The private area of a Container contains not only symlinks to the necessary template files, but also the copy-on-write area of the Container (the area for storing the information about those changes that the Container makes to the template files; this information p...

provide access for container using private ips to Internet[NAT]

How to provide access for container to Internet To enable the   containers , which have only internal IP addresses, to access the Internet, SNAT (Source Network Address Translation, also known as IP masquerading) should be configured on the Hardware Node . This is ensured by the standard Linux   iptables   utility. To perform a simple SNAT setup, execute the following command on the   Hardware Node : # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s src_net -o eth0 -j SNAT --to ip_address where   src_net   is a range of IP addresses of containers to be translated by SNAT, and   ip_address   is the external IP address of your   Hardware Node . The format of src_net is xx.xx.xx.xx/xx ( CIDR notation ). For example: # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to ip_address Multiple rules are allowed, for example, in case you wish to specify several ranges of IP addresses. If you are using a number of physical network interfa...