Sometimes the data transfer is very slow due to network connections. At that time, we use parallel rsync to transfer the data to other server efficiently. Script: ----------- export SRCDIR="/home/."; -->Source Directory export DESTDIR=" :/home/."; --> Destination Directory export THREADS="8"; rsync -lptgoDvzd $SRCDIR $DESTDIR; --> transfer the folders & sub-folders first. cd $SRCDIR; find . -type f | xargs -n1 -P$THREADS -I% rsync -az % $DESTDIR; -->rsync files in multiple process.
-Unfortunately virtual host entry for some users are missing in apache configuration. Also you are facing the below issue while rebuild the apache configuration. info [rebuildhttpdconf] Unable to determine group for user It seems that user entry missing in /etc/group file. Fix: First check that user entry in /etc/passwd E.g. grep xxxx /etc/passwd crossjui:x:778:779::/home/xxxx:/bin/bash 779 is GID for that user. You need to add the below entry in /etc/passwd file. xxxx:x:779: -Once again rebuild the apache configuration, it will create vhost entry.
Need to manually re-set PHP selector and php version for this user: # cagfesctl --setup-cl-selector # /usr/bin/cl-selector --select=php --version=5.3 --user=xxxxx